
Ad’ar Association – This is a professional association and as such is subject to the payment of fees. We are a nonprofit organization. We have no employees and our funding only covers current events and services.

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Donate to Ad’ar

Bank details

Membership fees are in accordance with annual income (you can donate more of course):
50,000 –   75,000          –   25  NIS 
75,000 –   100,000        –   50  NIS
100,000 – 150,000        –  100 NIS
150,000 – 200,000        –  150 NIS
200,000 and over        –   200 NIS
Membership fees may be transferred to the association’s bank account:
Bank Hapoalim Branch 704, Account number 546167. Horev Center, Haifa.

For information: Contact US

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