General Director

Dr. Manal Shalabi

Manal is the founder of Ad’ar Association: The Professional Forum to Fight the Murder of Women. She has served as Ad’ar’s general director since its establishment in 2016.
She Holds a PhD. in social work from the University of Haifa.
She is a Lecturer, researcher, and feminist activist, a social entrepreneur with rich experience in initiating and managing projects in civil society many of them focused on gender and domestic violence. Over the 20 years, She served in different and several reputed organizations and has been involved in diverse and influential activities such as: Coordinator of a national hot-line for the prevention of domestic violence on behalf of the Ministry of Welfare in Haifa, director of Programs and the Outreach Program at the US-Israel Education Foundation (Fulbright – USIEF), chair of Woman to Woman – Haifa Feminist Center, Board Member of The Association for Civil Rights in Israel, board Member of the Adam Institute for Democracy and Peace in memory of Emil Greenzweig, member of the Israel Association for Gender and Feminist Studies, founding member of the steering committee of the project to implement UN resolution 1325 – involving women in peace negotiations  and political processes in regions of ongoing violent conflict and represented the hot line and Woman to Woman in the  UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) and submitted a shadow report on “The Impact of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict on Women in Israel and the advisor to the Urgent Action Fund for Women’s Human Rights (UAF).
Dr. Shalabi received several prizes and Scholarships:
* “All Ladies League, Women Economic Forum (2016): “ A Leader Contributing to a Better World.
* Tsadik Fellowship: Palestinian- Israeli Fellowship Program for developing leadership and support role models in the Palestinian –Israeli community.
Professor’s Breik Fellowship for Outstanding fellows: University of Haifa.
* was selected by the Authority for the Advancement of the Status of Women in the Ministry of Social Equality as one of the inspiring women, who set up a project to fight violence against women.
*the 2022 Zusman-Joint Prize, the most prestigious award in the field of Israeli social activism.

Sharli Jarous

Projects Coordinator

Facilitates therapy groups

Facilitates groups combining arts and nature odt.
Specialist in cognitive behavioral therapy.

Lamma Mansour

A Ph.D. candidate in the Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation Program at Oxford University in England.

She holds a Master’s degree in Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation Program at Oxford University in England and a Bachelor’s in Psychology (Alumnus of Ofaqim Program for outstanding students) from the University of Haifa.

Basheer Assi

Legal Advisor

Owner of a law firm for over fifteen years. Expert in the field of consulting in a variety of legal and organizational fields.

Over the past decade, Adv. Assi has worked as a consultant to many local and international organizations and has worked on a variety of projects funded by the European Union and other foundations in the areas of economic development, equality and empowerment. In addition, Adv. Assi has been involved in many research projects in the field of economic policy and legal reform.
He holds a bachelor’s degree in law and economics from the University of Haifa in 2002 and 2004, a European master’s degree in law and economics from the University of Erasmus – Rotterdam in 2006 and a master’s degree in legal science from Stanford University – USA in 2011.
Did a year of internship at the European Commission in Brussels in 2008.

Alexander Jahshan

Partner at Tannous & Jahshan CPA’s office was established in Haifa in 2009.

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