Doaa Haddad- Shama

Supervisor at the Ministry of Health.

Married and mother of three children, resident of Nazareth.

Supervisor in the Ministry of Health and Coordinator of the Prevention of Violence for the Elderly in the Northern District since 2014.

Holds a master’s degree in social work.

Receipt in 2019, the Commissioner’s Medal of Excellence in recognition and appreciation for her contribution to the civil service on behalf of the Health Bureau – Northern District of the Ministry of Health.

Dr. Hilal Trudi


Graduate of the Technion.

Co-General Director of the Academic Association in Haifa.

Dr‭. ‬Ehab Farah

A partner in the tax department of Herzog Fox‭ ‬&‭ ‬Neeman Law Firm‭, ‬focusing on general corporate tax matters‭, ‬including international tax planning‭, ‬tax aspects of mergers and acquisitions and transactions involving hedge and private equity funds‭. ‬Before joining Herzog Fox‭ ‬&‭ ‬Neeman‭, ‬Ehab practiced for five years at two prestigious New York law firms‭, ‬and before that‭, ‬he managed his‭ ‬practice in Israel for 10‭ ‬years‭. ‬

Ehab teaches tax law at Haifa University Faculty of Law and has published several articles‭.‬

Ehab graduated from the LL.M‭. ‬and S.J.D programs at the University of Michigan Law School where he was a recipient of the Michigan Law School Grotius Fellowship and a Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society member‭. ‬He received his LL.M magna cum laude from the Hebrew‭ ‬University Faculty of Law and his LL.B‭. ‬from Haifa University Faculty of Law‭.‬

Dr‭. ‬Neveen Ali Saleh-Darawshy

A social worker in her profession‭, ‬a mother of Sama‭, ‬Shadan and Fuad‭. ‬She lives in Jerusalem‭, ‬a researcher and teaches at the School of Social Work at Bar Ilan University‭, ‬she teaches courses on competence and cultural sensitivity‭, ‬intervention methods in‭ ‬social work‭, ‬intervention with families‭.‬

A researcher in the field of violence and conflict situations‭ – ‬quantitative and qualitative studies examining the phenomenon of‭ ‬violence in all its aspects‭; ‬at the level of the individual‭, ‬the family and the community‭, ‬the grappling of patients exposed to‭ ‬violence as well as the effects of social workers with violence and with trauma‭. ‬She also examines cultural competence in the contexts of the health system‭, ‬academia and welfare services‭, ‬specifically‭, ‬it examines the meeting of social workers with patients from a culture different from their own‭.‬

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