Ad’ar association has been manning, since the outbreak of the war, a support line designed to accompany and assist professionals, specially social workers, who are in the war zones in the south and north and in the city of Haifa. The line operates 24 hours a day 7 days a week, on a voluntery basis by a group of social workers who are members of Ad’ar association.
Ad’ar Association is staffing a Support line (Hotline) beginning in the middle of October 2023. The line is designed to support the therapists who live in the war zone; Soth, North, and Haifa.  The association receives calls from social workers who ask for support, accompanies and supervision in this difficult time.
Ad’ar: The Professional Forum to Fight the Murder of Women, along with six other ventures and social organizations, won the prize of the “Miss Fix The Universe” competition organized by Bank Hapoalim and the Israel  Women’s Network in Israel. This year, 231 social ventures participated in the competition 26,309 people voted. It should be noted that since the competition was launched in 2021, 400,000 social enterprises participated in it, 100,000 votes, 600,000 views and visits to the website and of the proposed enterprises and projects.
This competition is intended to encourage social enterprises and various frameworks for the development and promotion of projects in each field of endeavor and to promote activities aimed first and foremost at the public good. We, at Ad'ar, would like to thank from the bottom of our hearts all people who voted for us and supported the project of the association under the title "Therapists talk technology" which aims to develope of digital tools in the process of treating gender- Based violence.
Photo by: Aviv Gotleb.
Adoption and Implementation of Technological tools 
The project provides new tools for therapists and expands the toolbox available to them, through raising awareness and advocacy workshops on the use of digital tools in order to optimize Gender-Based Violence treatment. 
The project will implement existing tools in the field of technology that can be used by therapists to identify warning signs even when they don’t have physical access to women and girls victims of violence.  
Ad’ar Association started, at the beginning of the current year, to operate a support line designed for therapists in social services offices and other therapeutic frameworks, who treat families suffering from the rising crime in Arab society. The line is open for therapists in order to encourage them to call, ask questions, share their concerns, fears, and dilemmas for grappling with the crime crisis.
The line is operated by Ad’ar members.
Workshops and Training courses for therapists in diverse thaerputic frameworks:
Ad’ar Association conducts throughout the year one-off lectures, workshops and training courses for therapists from all therapeutic frameworks especially social welfare offices and domestic violence prevention centers.
These workshops and training courses focus on the topic “Who treats the therapists?” emphasizing the entire social context of each locality such as: ” Crime, economic violence and poverty.

The Ad’ar Association: The Professional Forum for Combating the Murders of Women participates in passing two courses on the two topics: “Gender-based violence and its impact on female and male therapists.” Who does the therapist treat? “Methods of intervention in group social work” within the training course designated for social workers who graduated from non-Israeli universities and colleges inside the country.
Both courses are taught by Dr. Manal Shalabi, a lecturer at the School of Social Work at Tel Aviv University and director of the Aadhar Association.
The project, initiated by the Women Against Violence Association and Jenda College, is managed in cooperation with the Department of Further Education at the University of Haifa.
18 social workers participate in the course, each of whom received a scholarship to learn and qualify in several fields. Treatment, gender, violence in the family, poverty and professional documentation.
In addition to providing guidance and follow-up in practical field work.

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