Position Papers

An appeal to the High Court on behalf of the unrecognized villages


 The Petitioners
1. Adalah –  The Legal Center for the Rights of the Arab Minority in Israel, 2. The Sedera Association, 3. The Bedouin Arab Women’s Forum Association, 4. The Association for the Improvement of the Status of Women – Lakia, 5. Assistance for Women and Girls Against Violence, 6. Recognized in the Negev, Elsir Foundation, 8. Coexistence Forum for Civil Equality in the Negev, 9. Arus Elbahar Association for Women in Jaffa, 10. Ad’ar Association: The Professional Forum to Fight the Murder of Women,  11. Elsiyar – Arab Feminist Movement

Appeal to the High Court to order the National Security Council to immediately appoint women from a variety of population groups to the team of experts to deal with the corona crisis!


Adar: The professional Forum to Fight the Murder of Women together with other civil society organizations, appealed to the High Court to order the National Police to immediately appoint women from a variety of population groups to the expert team to deal with the corona crisis! In a petition filed on behalf of 13 civil society organizations, we demanded equal representation and the appointment of Arab and ultra-Orthodox women, who are particularly affected by the crisis and their voices are not heard. “Another petition that will be accepted without proper representation is harmful,” wrote attorneys Neta Levy of Eit Maaki and Keren Horowitz of the Rackman Center who wrote the petition. For Civil Rights, Adar – Professional Forum for Men and Women Fighting Women’s Crimes, Tmura – Clinical Center for the Advancement of Equality, My Sister Movement – For Women in Israel, Women’s Lobby in Israel, Ma’an – Forum for Arab-Bedouin Women’s Organizations in the Negev , Association of Assistance Centers for Victims of Sexual Assault and Victims of Sexual Assault in Israel, “Wherever You Go”.

A Request To The Ministry of Health


A request from civil society organizations to the Director General of the Ministry of Health, Mr. Moshe Bar-Siman Tov and Dr. Shlomit Avni, who is in charge of the fight against racism in the Ministry of Health, regarding the information campaign designed to raise awareness during Ramadan, which is full of prejudices and stereotypes about gender roles and the presentation of women and their role during this month.

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